Inmortal Pet Memories
My Sweet Poodle Gingy
Gingy 05 Jan 1998 - 03 Jun 2009 
"Gingy our Love, We miss you so much, you lefts us to go to heaven and we can not believe coming to our home and not see you greetings us and make me seating and resting in your sofa, before I start my daily activities. I miss the way you looked up at me when I was working in my desk. Thanks for the wonderful 11 years you gave to us and for being our great companion during the Bad and Good moments of our life. You will be always in our heart.
Rest in Pace 
Mami & Papi
"I believe that I will see you again someday."
!!!! If Heaven is where there is no sorrow,my beloved Poodle Gingy will be there.!!!!!
Losing a Pet is Like Losing any Loved One
Anyone who has allowed a doggie to become a part of their life understands that a pet is a member of your family.
When you lose your loving dog companion, whether unexpectedly or from old age, it does not change the fact that a hole has been left in your life.
You still need to take the time to grieve your loss until someday, you feel able to celebrate your dog's life.
The right moment will come along.
Anyone can post a mini pet memorial with a candle and photo of your beloved pet. Posting to this page is free but uploading a photo is required. If you don't have a photo, you may post your thoughts on our Poems, Prayers and Tributes page. Please click in the link below to build & submit your free mini pet memorial.
Immortal Pets Memories
!!!!! A Dog is the Only thing on Earth That Loves You More Than You Love Yourself !!!!! By Josh Billings
!!!! No One Appreciates the Very Special Genius of Your Conversation as the Dog Does. By Christopher Morley
!!!! When Most Of Us Talk To Our Dogs, We Tend To Forget They're Not People !!!! By Julia Glass
!!!! I Wonder If Other Dogs Think Poodles Are Members Of a Weird Religious Cult !!!! By Rita Rudner
!!!! The Dog Was Created Specially For Children. He Is The God Of Frolic !!!! By Henry Ward Beecker
!!!! Poodles Rush In Where Angels Fear to Tread !!!! By Akitazander Pope
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