Poodle Mix - Poodle Hybrids
Designer Dogs
Poodle Mix and Poodle Hybrid,are probably the most common designer dogs in America.
There is a new trend, called designer dogs. What is a designer dog? A designer dog is a hybrid or a crossbreed between two different breeds where the percentage of the breed is known, unknown breeds or mixtures are called mixed breeds.
Many people with allergies prefer poodles and poodle mixes as their fur is more hypoallergenic than a standard breed dog.
We hear of Labradoodle breed, and we ask what kind of breed is?Go to guides for:Labradoodle
Now we know that not only dogs of this breed are coming into our panorama, we also have such a variety of Poodle Mixes that we cannot even imagine.
Of course, thats how most pure breeds got their start. Somebody was looking for a dog that could do something they needed done, and by crossing various dogs and selecting the ones that fit the bill over generations, a true-breeding population of dogs that looked and acted similar emerged, as the Poodle Hybrids breed.

or Labradoodle
These kind of mixes and poodle dogs are crossed with Golden Retrievers (Goldendoodle)or Labrador Retrievers (Labradoodle). There are very popular dogs in America and make great family pets. By crossing these breeds with a Poodle, it makes them less likely to cause allergies.
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Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix Cockapoo with Gingy a purebred miniature poodle
Poodle Mix Breeds and Names
Here I have compiled a large list of Poodle Mix and also known as Designer Poodles and Poodle Hybrids with the given names to each of these breeds.
Affenpoo (Affenpinscher Poodle mix)
Aussiedoodle (Australian Shepherd Poodle mix)
Cavapoos Sweet Puppies
Bassetoodle (Basset Hound Poodle mix)
Bich-poo (Bichon Frise Poodle mix)
Boxerdoodle (Boxer Poodle mix)
Broodle Griffon (Brussels Griffon Poodle)
Cadoodle (Collie Poodle mix)
Cairnoodle (Cairn Terrier Poodle mix)
Cavapoo(Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Poodle mix)
Chi-poo (Chihuahua Poodle mix)
Chinese Crestepoo (Chinese Crested Poodle mix)
Cockapoo(Cocker Spaniel Poodle mix
(Cocker Spaniel Poodle mix)
Daisy Dog (Bichon/Poodle Shih-Tzu mix)
Doodleman Pinscher (Doberman Standard Poodle mix)
Doxiepoo (Dachshund Poodle mix)
Eskapoo American Eskimo Dog Poodle mix)
English Boodle (English Bulldog Poodle mix)
Foodle (Poodle Toy Fox Terrier mix)
Foxhoodle (Fox Hound Poodle mix)
Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever Poodle mix)
Goldendoodle Bartley 8 months old mix Standard Poodle and a Golden Retriever
Jack-A-Poo (Jack Russell Terrier Poodle mix)
Labradoodle (Labrador Retriever Poodle mix) Lhasapoo(Lhasa Apso Poodle Mix)
Malti-poo(Maltese Poodle mix)
MaltiPoo(Maltese Poodlemix)
Miniature Aussiedoodle(Miniature Australian Shepherd Miniature Poodle mix)
Miniature Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever Miniature Poodle mix)
Miniature Labradoodle (Labrador Retriever Miniature Poodle mix)
Papi-poo (Papillon Poodle mix)
Patterland (Patterdale Terrier Lakeland Terrier mix)
Pekepoo (Pekingese Poodle mix)
Goldendoodle Petite (Golden Retriever Toy/ MiniPoodle)
Pinny-Poo (Miniature Pinscher Poodle mix)
Pomapoo(Pomeranian Poodle mix)
Pomapoo (Pomeranian Poodle mix)
Poo-Shi (Poodle Shiba Inu mix)
Poochin (Japanese Chin Poodle mix)
Poogle(poodle and beagle mix
Poogle Puppie
Poogle (Beagle Poodle mix)
Poolky (Poodle Silky Terrier mix)
Poovanese (Havanese Poodle mix)
Pugapoo (Pug Poodle mix)
Rottle (Rottweiler Standard Poodle mix
Saint Berdoodle (Saint Bernard Poodle mix)
Schipper-Poo (Poodle Schipperke mix)
Schnoodle (Schnauzer Poodle mix
Shepadoodle (German Shepherd Standard Poodle mix)
Schnoodle (Schnauzer Poodle mix)
Scoodle (Scottish Terrier Poodle mix)
Sheltidoodle (Sheltie Poodle mix)
Shepadoodle (German Shepherd Standard Poodle mix)
CuteShih Poo
Shih Poo(Shih-Tzu Poodle mix)
Springerdoodle (English Springer Spaniel Poodle mix)
Weimardoodle (Weimaraner Poodle mix)
Westiepoo (Westie Poodle mix)
Whoodles (Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier Poodle mix) 
Yorkiepoo(Yorkie Poodle mix)
Why these Poodles are Designer Dogs?
Why People get so crazy for them?
Why are there so fascinating and own as celebrity dogs between the rich and famous?
Only because Its the cycle of fashion of Designer Dogs
A century ago only the rich could afford purebred dogs, and no socialite or movie star would be seen with a fashion doggy. But as purebreds became more affordable, and people started looking for something nobody else had, and once celebrities started showing off their cute puppies, the craze was on to have a dog like nobody else and then appeared the fashion for a Poodle Mix, Hybrid Poodle or Designer Dog.
This is a very good source that I recommend to get more information and orientation on this beautiful and loving Hybrid or Mix Poodle or any mix dog breed.
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Ozzie "My Shihpoo" Not rated yet
Greatest small dog to have!!! Ozzie will be 2 years old. Black in color. He is the most adorable dog I have ever owned & I am a dog lover and have had ...
In Memory of Boxer my Dear Golden Retriever Poodle Mix Not rated yet
Boxer was the best of us all he was eating when he died and I never got to say 3 things and hear I will never forget you and good bye and love you. He ...
My Lady Not rated yet
I was so against having a pet. I was already having two kids of my own and having a pet would add up to the pile of responsibilities. So every time my ...
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