Toy Poodle
The Toy Poodle is a very elegant small dog. It is the smallest of the poodle breed. It stands 10 inches or less from the shoulders to the floor. The average weight is between 6 and 9 pounds.
Being small in size they are big and strong in spirit. They are very easy to spoil by their owners, thinking they have a real toy. The opinion of the owners is that Toy Poodles are the cleanest of all sizes of this breed.
Many people love to keep them on their lap. If this is your case, then this poodle is the right choice. They are very entertaining little animals, play time is very important for them.Being inside the house or outdoors they love to play and fetch balls and toys.
I wouldn’t recommend them for a household with small children. They could be overwhelmed by the sometimes rough play of the children, which sometimes could be violent without intention.
This size of Poodle is the smartest, attentive and fast learner of all sizes of this breed or any others breeds toy size. They are very sensitive to praise and correction and respond excitedly to her training.
They are chosen for small dogs trade shows for their intelligence, obedience and agility. Some of them are very delicate, while others are confident and ongoing. It depends how they were trained and how they socialize.
Professional behavioral consultants may easily identify those with neurotic behavior, including snappiness, extreme fearfulness and hyperactivity.

Tea Cup Poodles
For many breeders this is just a name and it is also known as Tiny Poodles. You can better describe them as a very small Toy Poodle. There is not an exact definition of the size of this dog type.
They are generally under 8 inches tall and weight 4 pounds or less. There is no universal standard for this denomination. Different breeders can come with different numbers of what the size should be.
People looking for a Teacup Poodle pups may be confused on what they want. They are probably looking for a tiny Toy Poodle.
I want to emphasize, that this size need extra care. They cannot jump on the sofa or into a bed. They cannot climb difficult stairs. You have to watch them constantly not to fall off bed or a sofa, because they can break a leg or be seriously injured.
Also as puppies, they shouldn’t be left to run the whole house and should be kept in a small playpen or dog training crate.
They are not suitable in a household full of children and other dogs, because they may be hurt or stepped on.
Some Tiny poodles are prone to Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar.For this reason they require frequent meals and plenty of rest. So if you decide to have a Teacup poodle, make sure you know the warning signs to assure the well being and health of your very cute doggy.

Adorable Lovely Poodle Puppies
! Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot little puppies !
By Gene Hill
A reputable Poodle Breeder will know each puppy as an individual and will ask you many questions in order to help you choose the right one.
When you acquire a puppy, you don’t know what he will become later, so the characteristics of the breed are very important to be learned. But when you acquire an adult dog you know what you get is what you see.
I recommend buying a Toy Poodle from a reputable breeder, which really cares about the dogs and is not in the market just to make money.
Normally the tinnier they are, the more they cost. You may ask why?The first reason is that finding a reputable teacup toy breeder is difficult. It is very time consuming to breed them, being a 24/7 job. They require lots of TLC, initials for Tender Loving Care. We recommend never taking them to their new home before they are 12 weeks old. Some breeders like to keep them until they are 4 months old.
Please don’t buy a toy poodle from strangers that may only want to get rid of them at 6 or 8 weeks old.
Please navigate through my pages and I will teach you how to search for a reputable Toy Poodle Breeder

They look very cute !!!!!!!! Brownish puppies.
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