Old Dogs
Your Elderly Dog Care
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When Old Dogs will be considered an Elderly Dog.?
Depending on the dog’s genetic background, health, issues breed, size, and care he has received over his lifetime.
While puppies require vaccinations, the healthcare for old dogs will require a different set of needs. In simple words, and elderly dog will need a little bit of extra care than younger dogs.
Normally a live Spam for a Dog is from 12 to 14 years.
Some exception we will find with Big or Giant Breed Dogs, these Doggies will be already Seniors from 6 to 8 years and their life expectant is from 8 to 10 years.
Medium Size Dogs are considered old dogs at 7 to 10 years.
But the Toy Size breed Dog life spam can be until 16 years or more, and this toys dogs will reach 9 to 13 years old before showing signs of aging.
Do you Know?
That elderly dogs live longer, healthier lives if they remain active for as long as possible.
Walking in the Park
Don't just assume he is "too old" to go for walks or a swim at the beach.
Old Dogs will appreciate the daily routine, like walk time, play time and very important their feeding time, that I recommend to do it twice a day and a regular schedule for bedtime.
Remember!!!It is very important to avoid stress at that stage of your Dog Companion Life.
Try to be alert for signals like not feeling well or cannot keep up anymore.
Look for any changes that may indicate illness this is one of the most important steps in the Old Care Dog owner responsibility.
Providing proper veterinary care and watching for any changes in his condition will help keep him happy and healthy.
Making sure that he has twice a year regular visits to the Vet for checkup for common afflictions and blood analysis test also is recommended as part of your elderly dog care.
Poodle Dental Care
Dental care is one of the most important things you can do for your elderly dog, but is often overlooked. A veterinarian can tell you if his teeth need cleaning.
Excessive tartar and unhealthy gums can lead to infection and even organ failure.
You have to watch the quantity you feed your old poodle dog because your elderly dog is not that active, and overweight will bring more stress in their joints, that will finish with Arthritis and all kind of Illness also be aware that the old dog hearth will start to work harder
You can find in the market that many pet Food companies make special foods for Old Dogs. Which usually have fewer proteins and calories.
It is recommendable to ask your Vet for supplements or medication for your elderly dog care.
Very important to know that extremes in temperature and changes in surroundings affect aging and old dogs to some degree.
Old Dogs can’t tolerate the heat and humidity in summer or the freezing temperatures in the winter. You must keep them inside the house.
Elderly Miniature Poodle
As aging advances, and dogs get older, their organs and functions begin to slow down and their eyesight and hearing may also be affected, meaning that dog owners should keep a closer watch on their dogs, especially when they are outside or climbing on stairs.
As they age, dog's eyes often show a bluish transparent "haze" in the pupil area. This is very normal effect of aging. Vision does not appear to be affected..but the vision can be affected by cataracts, and then your vet needs to be consulted.
If your dog does experience hearing loss, take care to protect him/her from hazards, such as cars and kids that s/he may not hear or see. Dogs do learn and adapt well using hand signals to come, stay, sit, and so on. It is a good idea to train your dog early in life to recognize basic hand signals.
Slowing Down due to Arthritis that is very common in large dogs as the age Arthritis can occur in any joint, most commonly the legs, neck and back (spine)
"See your vet if you notice any signs of slowing down in your dog."
Mild loss of muscle mass, especially the hind legs, may be seen with old age.
!Again! Be sure to have your vet check this out if any muscle loss is noted.!
Usually most dogs commonly show a bit of gray starting at early as five to six years but this not be a real sign of aging.
Aging and Elderly Dog Care is the most important task that an owner can do for the well being of his/her best friend.
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