Coping with Pet Death
Losing a Pet is Like Losing any Loved One
!! Pet Death will not be easy !!
Pet loss and for me coping with the death of my Poodle Gingy whether anticipated or sudden, was a tragic event.
When you losing a pet whether unexpectedly or from old age, it does not change the fact that a hole has been left in your life and in your hearth.Coping with a Pet Death ! It Is a Must ! You have to cope and grieve.
Anyone who has allowed a pet to become a part of their life understands that a pet is a member of your family without distinction.
Unfortunately, many people do not understand your grief and they do this by acting as though the pet never existed and your grief is not real, or by making the suggestion that it was just a dog and can be replaced very easily.
But you still need to take the time to grieve your loss until someday, you feel able to celebrate your pet's in my case my Poodle life.
Coping dog death is very important to continue your life already used to keep and love this lovely creatures and loyal companions, and in my case the very intelligent poodle breed.
Here I want to share some suggestions that may help you grieving a dog process:
First, do not try to rush yourself through the grief process. Telling yourself that it was just a pet and you shouldn't feel this way just invalidates your feelings and makes you feel worse. Accept your grief and understand that only time will heal you and make you feel better.
If you are not comfortable doing so, do not rush to get rid of everything that may remind you of your pet. Sometimes removing everything that reminds us of the pet that has shared our life for years just makes the emptiness seem larger. I decide to keep most of her things and some I gave to Animal Shelters and that make me feel very good that some pet in need will enjoy Gingy,s lovely things.
Try to find and talk to people who understand how you feel. Many people understand what you are feeling, and an ear and a box of tissues will make you feel better.
If you don't know anyone to talk to, look online. There are many forums for pet owners that will help you coping pet death.
I do a picture collage to keep all her memories with me and the family for ever.. You can include pictures from every stage of her/his life as a reminder of the good times you've shared with your lovely dogie.
Light a candle to your pet. On our resources page, there is a link to a website where you can light a "virtual candle" for free. You may find comfort by doing this.
Buy a picture pet urn or memory box. If you cremate your pet. you can store the ashes in it. If you do not cremate your pet, or if you scatter the ashes, you can store a favorite ball or leash inside to create a memorial to your pet.
For me leaving without a dog was very difficult.
Some people replaced a pet almost immediately thinking that this will be the best thing. To me took almost 6 months to decide to get again another little dog and then I find my tinny little Toy Poodle "Mimi"
Meet Tinny Toy Poodle "Mimi" with her new family friends
When Dog lovers are ready to bring another pet into their life, think that may be better to get a different breed. The new pet will never replace the one that they lost. It will have it's own unique personality and they will enjoy the bonding process more if they are not comparing it to their previous pet.For me works different, I can not imagine my self without a poodle in my life.
Believe me that you will see your pet again someday. If Heaven is where there is no sorrow, always your beloved pet will be there.
*You have to coping pet death giving the right time to your grieving.*
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