Dog First Aid
What is Pet First Aid
Dog First Aid involves removing the dog from the source of harm, preventing the worsening of the condition, restoring vital bodily functions, alleviating pain and distress, and helping recovery to begin.
Over-enthusiastic aid can do more harm than good.
Limit yourself to determining the seriousness of the dog's condition, providing essential treatment, and then getting immediate professional help.
The best thing to do is to create a pre-assembled dog first aid kit, and have it handy in case of emergency.
Basic Pet first aid Kit should include:
* Adhesive tape * Bacitracin ointment or antiseptic cream * Bandages * Cotton * Ecotrin (or generic) coated aspirin for pain or fever * Gauze * Hydrogen peroxide * Kwik stop powder or cornstarch for bleeding nail/faulty pedicure administered by owner * Pepcid AC for upset stomach * Petroleum jelly * Rectal thermometer * Rubbing alcohol * Scissors * Tweezers
First Aid 101
This are steps that should be following during any emergency situation with your pet or dog health problems.
1. Remove dog from source of harm2. Prevent worsening of the condition3. Restore vital bodily functions4. Alleviate pain & distress5. Provide essential treatment6. Get immediate professional help7. Don't panic, keep your stay calm.8. Never use hydrogen peroxide or ointment on a wound
With some preparation, general check-ups and care, you can ensure that your dog is able to get the best pet first aid and care available if something happens. If you want to learn more about how you can care for your dog, in case of an emergency please go to the following .
